Charmed, Episode 3, "Thank you for not morphing"
Hey witches, we're here like we always are (until the end of time!) with a new episode. And, what is this??? We're talking about the SAME show THREE times in a row?
Yes, believe, because the Power of Three really be setting us free from our bad, ADHD-fuelled decisions to always keep things changing. I think it's because in Shannon Doherty's slanty eyeballs we have found a prophet of the Lord of Eyeballs even wiser than the wide eyes of Wendy William.
What does epsiode three have in store? Will it be 'third times the CHARMED' (capitals for emphasis, I don't trust anyone to get a pun) for the series?
Eh... kinda, sorta.
In "Thank you for not morphing," we get a lot of daddy issues, with some requisite tissues. Also, the dark childhood of Hakuna Matitties comes forth, when they admit to never having watched 'Mighty Morphing Power Rangers' as a kid, thus rendering all of Orifice's "morphinominal!" jokes completely inert. Generational trauma in action, people.