Episode 50: "Journey to Shangri-La
Ahhh Nepal - the land where super jacked humanoid yetis give succour to glam rock girl groups as they foolishly trek across the Himalayas in pursuit of a magical land called Shangri-La, which actually doesn’t even exist but was invented by some white dude who probably took too much DMT.
Oh, you mean that is not what Nepal is all about? Sorry, I just get my edumacation on world affairs from white people who didn’t get down with Encyclopedia Brown (who, for those of you who don’t know, is a sexy encyclopedia who turns tricks on the mean streets of a gritty, god-forsaken urban hellscape).
Seriously though, this episode of Jem, entitled “Journey to Shangri-La”, was essentially a doubling down on stereotypical Western depictions of Asia as a mystical, transcendental place populated by Yoda-types who only exist to guide white people on their spiritual journeys. Shangri-La, like much of the world, is a place for white folks to take take take and give nothing in return. This is clearly how the characters in this episode act, anyway.
Despite the obvious problems that abound in this episode, we still had a good time talking mad shit about it. Although, we really could have done without the yeti-Jem storyline, which certainly inspired generations of furries to come. We would very much like to forgeti that yeti.