Episode 33: "Father's Day"
Happy Father’s Day, everyone!
Okay, we’re a LITTLE late to the party (or early, because, really, what is time?) but so was this episode of Jem and the Holograms. Besides, we don’t really recognize “Father’s Day,” we’re all about “Daddy’s Day.” Same thing, except way more sexually charged.
Apparently everyone in the Jemisphere thinks Father’s/Daddy’s Day is a real holiday, because they be having banquets with celebrities to mark the occasion. But, truly, if you got a good Daddy, you got to show appreciation.
We’re also treated to a bit of insight into Pizazz’s deep psychoses/daddy-mama-drama, which is always fun.
What’s more fun is our special guest for this episode! Is it a celebrity? Do they self-identify as a lizard person? Might they be a daddy themselves? Nope to all but they’re still a blast to have on the show!