Episode 21: “Old Meets New"
Old people, what are they good for?
Absolutely nothing! Say it again!
That would have been the main mantra of this episode of Jem and the Holograms except SOMEONE had to learn a lesson (looking at you, Kimber) about the value of respecting our elders.
Basically, some old rocker guy is going to lose his apartment, itself a monument to music history, so Jem and crew decide to help him, but not without an ageist-feud-dynamic between him and Kimber.
You know, the classic “old person thinks young people suck” thing and vice versa, which goes on until everyone learns a lesson.
Now, we would be way more into that message if it wasn’t intertwined with a very white-washed history lesson on the history of rock & roll music.
Like, for real, Jem? You’re going to link the origins of the genre solely to some Beach Boys ripoff? Not surprised but still shaking our collective heads.
Obviously we call the punks out while also discussing the very important cultural touchstone of what “Sandy Fries” means to the average global citizen. Okay, not really that last part because we ain’t those girls (obviously “Sandy Fries” sounds like a snack you get at the beach) and instead we just talk a bunch of shit. As per usual!