Episode 20: “Island of Deception”
Okay, so, like, we know that we queer read everything. No secret there, it’s just what we do. But right up here, in this “Island of Deception,” there is no need to queer any read because this episode of Jem and the Holograms is all about over-textual sexual girl-on-girl action.
You got a bunch of still-figuring-out-their-identity young women trapped on a deserted island. You got hordes of hogs. You got two ladies wrastlin’ a giant fish. The list goes on. Well, it actually kind of ends there but that’s still an impressive list!
Or, if you want to be super heterosexual about it, you can read this episode as “Gilligan’s Island” meets “Jem and the Holograms.” To be honest “Gilligan’s Island” is pretty gay anyway so there’s really no way to butch up this episode. And we wouldn’t have it any other way!