Episode 17: "In Search of the Stolen Album"
When you hear the name “chubbet,” what kind of reaction does it illicit?
Curiosity, because what the hell is a “chubbet”? Anger at such an awful sound? Unbridled disgust?
All are correct because “chubbet” (a vending machine at the best-worst club in the Jemisphere) is so many things all at once while simultaneously being simply awful!
Jem and the Holograms encounter the for-some-reason-named vending machine while searching for their stolen album, hence the name of this episode. Basically, this whole episode is a super unnecessary scavenger hunt but it does bring us magical moments.
Want to see Kimber hit on a couple of gay dudes? Care to hear a curiously-accented surfer dude who may or may not be a subtly racist caricature? Need some ‘roided up and angry club kids in your life?
Then join us on this journey because this episode has it all! And, maybe along the way, we’ll all learn that the stolen album was in our hearts the whole time.
Except it wasn’t. The Misfits stole it. There’s literally no larger lesson here.