Episode 35: “Aztec Enchantment”
Welcome to Mexico! Where eagles pick up serpents on the regular and the only kind of enchantments being served are of the Aztec variety!
At least that’s the guided tour of Mexico you get on Jem and the Holograms Not-So-Luxurious Luxury Travel, where you may also get into unnecessary car chases and interact with orphans, for better or worse.
Obviously, in an episode featuring Mexican culture, the one Mexican hologram would play a pretty big role. And Raya does, making her relevant for all of three episodes of this entire series.
Of course, you can’t have a Jemisode in a foreign nation without some awkward (by which we mean “problematic”) handling of history and cultural stereotypes. We do get that here, just not on the levels of “Adventures in China” or any other Bornstein bungles, so… yay?
Shout out to all the gorilla demons, too! Which won’t make sense ’til you listen to the ep!