Episode 26 “Glitter and Gold”
Wowza! Season one is one-and-done! Apparently that’s a basketball saying (go sports team!) but we’re folding it into the queer-sarcastic-problematic-nonsensical niche we’ve dug for ourselves over the course of a whole season of Jem and the H0lograms.
We’d like to say we have something special in store for the season closer, like a live episode or something (an attendance of zero to our living taping would crush what little self-esteem we have left so it’s a “no” on that one), but fortunately Jem and company come through with a brand new glittery look for the final episode of the season.
Because what would a season finale be without our heroes getting new outfits and a power-upgrade to defeat the big bad?
For real, though, that’s actually what happens. Just substitute “power-upgrade” with an off-yellow neck shawl (that’s secretly a python) and that’s the basic plot: Jem and the Holograms wear a bunch of glitter and gold to win the day… or something.
Fortunately, while are cartoon idols are mercurial AF, the Jem Girls always remain a constant in this universe. We may be at the end of the season but we haven’t changed a bit (yay?) so you can rely on us to bring you yet another dosage of useless-but-amusing nonsense.
P.S. We love how methy the couple above looks so they win the cover photo prize. Also what is that shirt even trying to spell??
P.P.S. Episodes may be a little sporadic as we take a bit of a break between seasons but we do have some special (as in not what we normally do, not like when a mom calls their son “special” but what they really mean is socially stunted) stuff planned!