Charmed, Season 1 Episode 17: "That '70s Episode"
Time, time, time, see what’s become of me…
I’m not sure this would be the JemGirls podcast if we didn’t wax poetic about the nature of time. We’ve said it before (and we’ll say it again) - time is an eyeball. You know this, I know this, your mom knows this and your aborthed fetus knows this too. This is simply the work of the Lord of Eyeballs and we’re all just players in his game.
Because the Lord of Eyeballs makes the rules, you should never EVER fuck with time. Time travel can get real messy and can have devastating consequences for the present. I don’t need to edumacate you on this, especially if you’ve taken our seminar Time 101.
The Halliwell sisters seem not to have gotten the memo, though, and they plunge into the bowels of time and come out the other end, way back to the 1970s when they were children and their mother and grams were still alive. They do this to stop a power-stealing warlock named Nickolas and they obviously manage to do this, just in the Nickleback of time.